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An Evening with Marvin Olson

Marvin Olson & family

Marvin Olson was always sweeping people off their feet. Within minutes of entering his home you'd be offered a beverage, and within a half-hour, who knows-- you might be treated to a ride in the side-car of his Harley; you might take a ride up into the hills for a birdseye view of San Jose; or you might have stayed home and been treated to a living room concert.

That's what's on this CD. Around 1990 Marvin's little sister Melvina Aaberg was visiting from Minnesota. And in the course of her visit Marvin did what he always did--brough people together with good humor and good spirits. This time it was an evening of music on the player piano and concertina (with a bonus number from the grandchildren). In Marvin's house everyone got to be onstage. And if things started to drag a little, Marvin always had the tools to 'sharpen things up a bit'.

CD - Player Piano / Family Memories - 8 tracks - 28 minutes -

We have a few copies left. If you knew Marvin and would like a copy, drop us a line.

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